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Mosaic Stadium. Photo by Kyle Griffin


            In Baltimore, seeing Ravens in a football stadium is nothing unusual. Every home team player’s purple jersey is branded with a big black Raven on the front. Here in Regina, the birds are not on jerseys, but roosting in the rafters. While the Ravens are celebrated and cherished in Baltimore, they were nothing more than unwanted guests in the home of the green-and-white, Mosaic Stadium.

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Peacock’s Epoch is practicing her skills for playoffs with the Huskies but is also hopeful to make the national basketball team. Photo by Celine Grimard.

 The Canadian west quarterfinals for women’s basketball are underway but one team is getting another week to prepare.

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Zamboni resurfacing ice.

When Vancouver coach Guido Lamberti-Charles’ young players hit the ice, they don’t give much thought to how it feels under their skates.

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High Impact Wrestling has been putting on events across Canada for 20 years and is the longest continuously-running professional wrestling organization in the country. Photo illustration by Cory Coleman.

Saskatchewan’s premier wrestling organization is celebrating 20 years of blood, sweat and tears -- literally.

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A player equipped with the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality System including controllers, sensors, and helmet (Left). An in-game capture of the player's robotic avatar inside Echo Arena (Right). Photo by Josh Diaz.


Imagine you’re flying through space. Your robotic opponents in hot pursuit, desperately attempting to steal the disk from your hand as you careen towards their goal, en route to a substantial cash prize.

Now imagine all of this taking place in a three metre by three metre space.

Welcome to the world of virtual reality sports. Welcome to Echo Arena.

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