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Framed by red velvet drapes at Indian Head’s Grand Theatre, microphone in hand, Jared Clarke plunges his free arm deep into imaginary ocean water in front of him. Deeper water is usually cold, he explains, and hurricanes lose energy when they stir it up.

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Entering the workshop, the scene is as one would expect. In the middle of the space are various sized pieces of lumber waiting to be assembled into a full-scale Red River cart. Under the work table are smaller pieces to assemble a single wheel. In a corner sits the other wheel measuring approximately five feet across. Lumber is stacked against the back wall with a set of doors, and lining the shelves are milk crates, boxes and tools of different colors. Wood shavings cover the floor and rock music competes with the propane space heater loudly rumbling. And tinkering on the side with his tools is George Fayant, in his winter jacket, bringing some organization to the chaos around him.

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Myles (left) and Brenda (right) Hall have been married for eight years and opened the White Sage Wellness Centre in Broadview, Sask. where Brenda offers hypnotherapy and psychic services. Photo submitted by Myles Hall.

Brenda Hall discovered her psychic abilities when she was 18-years-old and saw her first dead person.

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Tony Merchant sits at his desk in the Regina based branch of the Merchant Law Group LLP. From his desk he manages his national legal empire. Photo by Josh Diaz.

Taking people to court is in grained in the Merchant family DNA.

Tony Merchant is no exception.

But Regina’s most sucsessful attorney never had plans to become a lawyer.

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“They always say, 'you know, jeez, you’re a way nicer guy than you are on the show,'" Gormley said. "I always laugh because I’m not sure what that means."

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