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James Robertson, a resident with SAD..

For many, Saskatchewan’s mild winter this year has been a blessing; for James Robertson, it’s far more than that.

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Kevin Thiessen by Cuban Cathedral.

Walking around Havana, Cuba’s capital, is like walking back in time. Everything about Cuba has that “old school” vibe to it. Especially as you watch the old 1950s cars cruise down the streets trying (not very hard) to avoid pedestrians.

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Katya Herman, assistant professor of kinesiology and health studies at the U of R.

In the summers, she would play in her neighbourhood for hours, enjoying the freedom, until her mom blew a Girl Guide whistle three times - her signal to come home. Other childrens’ mom’s on her street had their own signals: a bell and a bike horn.

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A new bypass will divert traffic 35 meteres in front of the Bill and Olga Martin's home (left). Photo by Jeremy Simes

Looking through Bill and Olga Martin’s window five kilometres south of Regina, semi-trucks make their way west, darting across the Trans-Canada Highway. In three years, those same trucks will dash across a portion of the new $1.2-billion bypass—35 metres from Bill and Olga’s front door.

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