For many, Saskatchewan’s mild winter this year has been a blessing; for James Robertson, it’s far more than that.
On a sunny Tuesday morning, the gentle -3C climate gives Robertson a perfect mental state.
Currently, Robertson is a freelance article writer for photography website Fstoppers. As someone living with Seasonal Affective Disorder, more sunny days means Robertson can go to work or meet with his friends. He can live without emotional strain.
Health Canada defines SAD as a form of depression “Usually occurring in winter, marked by shifts in sleeping patterns and eating habits, avoidance of friends and neglect of one's work.”
Regina counsellor Dr. Elizabeth Scheepers said two to six per cent of Canadians suffer from SAD. While it’s unknown how many people in Saskatchewan have SAD, University of Regina counsellor Dr. Natalie Hemingway says her office gets more walk-ins on overcast days than sunny ones.
Since he was a kid, Robertson noticed that winters didn’t “feel as festive” for him as others. Every year Robertson became more aware of his mood during the season, lacking energy and wanting to sleep more during the day.
Initially, Robertson chalked up his condition to a dislike of winter, which is common in Saskatchewan. What is uncommon is an indifference towards things he liked, difficulties sleeping and avoiding contact with others. He acted as though nothing was wrong during family gatherings, and during this time SAD’s influence continued affecting Robertson’s life.
“When you’re like that, you want to be by yourself. But when you’re by yourself, it’s worse,” he said.
“It just gets rid of whatever makes you feel happy.”
Additionally, Hemingway said depressive disorders are not something people can “snap out of.”
“The truth is depression, anxiety, any other mental disorder, is not much different than if anyone has the flu, or cancer. This is very real within the human body.”
“Depression can be corrosive, and then the body uses cortisol and adrenaline in ways that chew away on people.”
Between his SAD and ADHD, Robertson has been unable to hold a full-time job for longer than a year. Even meeting with friends proves difficult.
Quoting poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, Hemingway said “The field cannot be well seen from within the field.”
“It’s awful hard to get outside of yourself and be objective about everything that’s going on. I think depression makes that even harder.”
SAD is a spectrum condition, as people are affected in varying ways and degrees, she said. Hemingway advises people to observe their energy levels and general mood, and consider if there’s a reason why they feel excessively tired or depressed.
Robertson’s doctor prescribed Wellbutrin, a common antidepressant, but he said it made him more irritable. There aren’t many ways he can find solace, but Robertson does get peace of mind from walks around Wascana Park.
Hemingway recommends a variety of treatments, including going for a walk, spending time with supportive friends or having a belly laugh with someone to improve body chemistry. Light therapy is another effective option for treating SAD.
Richardson Lighting in Regina has been providing specialized lamps to people with SAD for the last 10 to-15 years. According to owner Don Richardson, people were trying to create makeshift lamps or installing overly bright bulbs into fixtures, which didn’t have the same effect. With increasing public awareness of SAD, more customers are seeking out the lamps.
“(There was) a lot less demand than there is now,” Richardson said.
Both Richardson and Scheepers estimate that 20 minutes of exposure to a full-size SAD lamp is all it takes to trigger serotonin output. The average light can illuminate 50-to-70 foot-candles (units for measuring light strength), whereas SAD lamps can provide up to 1,000. It serves the same function of sunlight through sheer volume.
Going forward, Robertson will continue his freelance writing, but he says he’s in a difficult position: Either he must accept his seasonal unhappiness, or consider moving somewhere closer to the equator where there are lighter winters.
“If I stay here, my winters are always going to suck,” he said.