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Hard work and flexibility: that’s what Globe and Mail national correspondent Les Perreaux says it takes to navigate a successful journalism career on a rapidly changing media landscape.

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From Utah, Sister Smith is almost finished serving her 18 month mission here in Regina for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Photo by Khang Nguyen.

It always seems to happen at the most inconvenient times -- a knock at the door that interrupts supper with the family. On the other side of the door is a gangly, smiling Mormon missionary in a white button up and a black tie ready to share a special religious message.

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Players Wanted sign for Chewsday Challenge.

You browse the map laid out in front of you, pondering which move you’re going to make next. You have to be careful not to move your character to the wrong spot or you’ll get attacked. One wrong move and you’re done.


But you’re not playing a video game on a TV screen here. Instead, you’re one of many gathered around a table rolling the dice.

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Players Wanted sign for Chewsday Challenge.

You browse the map laid out in front of you, pondering which move you’re going to make next. You have to be careful not to move your character to the wrong spot or you’ll get attacked. One wrong move and you’re done.


But you’re not playing a video game on a TV screen here. Instead, you’re one of many gathered around a table rolling the dice.

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Margie Sandison. Photo by Rikkeal Bohmann.

Margie Sandison turned 80 on February 1, but she isn’t really slowing down yet. She joked about her skates probably not fitting anymore.


“64 years is a very long time,” she said laughing.


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