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Teacher Jan Henrikson.


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

“I have a deep wish to leave this world a better planet, and to affect and uplift the life of others.”

Jan Henrikson snaps her fingers to a reggae song. I don’t even like reggae and I’m smiling. As she snaps she counts: “one” – exhale; “two” – inhale.

She nearly flies around the room, making subtle hands-on adjustments as students stretch and pose.

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Chelsea Petterson is carving out a niche for Saskatchewan's creative industries.  She is also the co-owner of a local boutique, Coda & Cade, pictured above.  Photo by Amanda Symynuk

Perched on a kitchen chair, with her purple hair in a top knot, wearing an oversized sweater and glasses, chin resting on hand, Chelsea Petterson looks at the laptop screen. As she and her store manager peruse potential fashions for this fall, her phone vibrates with texts urging her to get stuff done.

“I just have to send this many Fashion Week distractions,” she said. She starts typing away on her own laptop, multi-tasking the two jobs.

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Players from the Standing Buffalo Fighting Sioux take a moment to laugh, as their teammates battle against the Cote Alliance during the 35+ Legends finals of the Southern Showdown Treaty Championships on March 1, 2015 in Balcarres, Sask. The Fighting Sioux would go on to win the game 8-2, claiming bragging rights as the best team in Treaty 4 two years straight. Photo by Adam Gamble.

As the puck drops, the Standing Buffalo Fighting Sioux score two quick goals to jump ahead of the Cote Alliance in the 35+ Legends final of the Southern Showdown Treaty Championships. On both sides of the Balcarres Arena, fans from Standing Buffalo, Cote, Cowessess, Keeseekose and Carry the Kettle, among other communities, sit together. They roar, and it’s uncertain who is cheering for who.

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Underwater Demolition Squad Member John Makie.

On the third floor of Regina’s Wascana Rehabilitation Centre sits a quiet but observant Second World War vet, lost in thought and clutching his morning coffee in a faded mug with “craft room 3-5” written on the side. At 90 years old, he maintains a full head of white hair, matching the white sneakers on his feet resting comfortably on the foot pedals of his wheelchair. Every man in this ward is a veteran, most of the Second World War with a smattering of them seeing action in Korea. For many of them, everything they accomplished is in their service file-the man in the wheel chair with white sneakers being the exception.

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Cristiane 'Cyborg' Santos punches Gina Carano during their Strikeforce Women's Championship bout on August 15, 2009. Photo by Esther Lin.

If you’ve seen any MMA or boxing photo as of late, it may have very well been taken by Esther Lin. Residing in California, Lin has travelled the world taking photos of combat sports for MMAfighting and Showtime Networks. Her work has been published in UFC Magazine, Fight! Magazine, and USA Today. Originally graduating from UCLA’s Film and Television school, Lin is now considered one of the best fight photographers today.

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