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Mark Scrivener, 45-year-old Martensville man, proudly shows off his 2013 wedding photo with Russian mail order bride, Marina Kartashova. Photo by Victoria Dinh.

A woman in a faded green dress stands jutting out her hip. With an unexpressive pout, she blankly stares into the camera while resting one hand on her waist. A Christmas tree sits sparsely decorated in the background. Along the bottom of her profile photo a lone sentence reads, "Marina is engaged to a man from Canada.”

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Patrick Neary

Walking down the hallways in the University of Regina Centre for Kinesiology, Health and Sport building you will find university athletes, gyms for students and the Exercise Physiology Laboratory.

In this lab there are no test tubes or chemicals, but you rather bikes and a Transcranial Doppler, a device used to measure cerebral blood flow velocity.

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Nolan Coller is a seasoned Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor who operates his own classes out of Sets Fitness Centre at 1120 Devonshire Drive. Photo by Ethan Stein.

Anderson Silva, Jon Jones and Georges St. Pierre have become some of the biggest names in sports, while local fighters like Mitch Clarke and Charmaine Tweet are trying to carve out great legacies of their own. More fighters like them could be waiting in the wings, and Saskatchewan may open the door.

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Zoe McKnight is a Toronto based freelancer who’s worked for the Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, National Post and many others. A recent Ryerson graduate, her piece, “The Kingston Whig’s Columnist Behind Bars”, was featured on J-Source. Jose Vivar is the inmate in focus who was arrested in 2007 in relation to guns, drugs and money in Toronto. Kailey Guillemin had the chance to chat with McKnight over the phone about working on this article and her experience so far as a new journalist.

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Bob Hughes, director of the Saskatchewan Coalition Against Racism

Nearly half a year after a province-wide report criticizing major problems with overcrowding in Saskatchewan’s provincial correctional facilities, the Ministry of Justice has not implemented any changes to address the growing problem.

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