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The number of Norovirus patients at the University of Regina has risn to 64 and the closure of the gym has been extended to one week. However, Kim McKechney, the director of communications and marketing, said he is "optimistic" the outbreak is under control.

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Brand new condom machines are on their way to Luther College at the University of Regina.

Audray-Anne Montpetit, president of Luther University Student Association, said this step is “momentous” for her.

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The nights of partying at the University of Regina’s The Owl and worrying about getting back to your dorm before 11 p.m. without stepping into the snow are over, for now. As part of a trial program called Safe Route, the indoor pathways between The Owl and Paskwāw/Wakpá Towers (former North/South Residences) will welcome their residents home with open doors until 1 a.m. every Friday.


“It’s been something we’ve wanted to do for a long time,” says Devon Peters, president of the U of R Student Union, adding this is the first time the door opening hours have been extended.

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Climate Crisis, Media Alternatives: What kind of journalism do we need for a planetary emergency?

'News for Lunch' presentation by Robert Hackett, one of Canada’s foremost figures on the front lines of media reform.

Tuesday, March 24 , 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
School of Journalism Studio  AH 105

The fight against cancer will hit the ground running this march. The University of Regina will be hosting the Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and the organizers are looking for volunteers for the all-night event.

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The U of R business faculty's new research lab will give students like Morgan Adams the opportunity to learn about research in a hands-on way. Photo by Taylor Rattray.

As part of the University of Regina’s new 2015 to 2020 strategic plan to strengthen research impact, the business faculty will unveil a new human research lab. Officially called the Laboratory for Behavioural Business Research, it will open in the fall of 2015.

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Daphne Kay posese in front of a buffalo hide.

Smudging. Round Dances. Feasting. These are just some of the traditions practiced by Canada’s Aboriginal cultures.


This is something that the University of Regina looks to emphasize with its recent 2015-2020 strategic plan entitled Peyak Aski Kikawinaw, or “We are one with Mother Earth”.

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The Witness Blanket displayed at the University of Regina's Research and Innovation Center.

A tattered drum. A pair of worn leather skates. Behind a pane of glass, two severed ponytails arranged artfully. The Witness Blanket is a large scale art installation that collects artifacts from Canada’s residential school past, and displays them in a carved wooden frame.

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