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J-School international intern Kendall Latimer has been covering the arts and culture scene in Thailand for the Bangkok Post. Stories, blog posts and photos are posted here.

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After recent threats by Al Qaeda-linked rebel group Al-Shabab to bomb the West Edmonton Mall, local shopping centres and the people who frequent them are on high alert. Canadian security forces are also taking this threat seriously.

After recent threats by Al Qaeda-linked rebel group Al-Shabab to bomb the West Edmonton Mall, local shopping centres and the people who frequent them are on high alert. Canadian security forces are also taking this threat seriously.

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Ali Alarbah, a petroleum engineer from Libya who is studying ESL at the U of R talks about how international student visa process gets delays. Photo by Rafique Bhuiyan

Harper’s new anti-terror laws, which propose significant new powers for police and CSIS, have raised debate among Canadians about racial profiling.


Muslim people are afraid that the government agency will threaten their basic liberties, and that Muslims in Canada will be unfairly profiled simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Amir Aboguddah, President of Muslim Student Association at the University of Regina.

On Jan. 7, two Islamic extremist brothers massacred 17 people at the Charlie Hebdo magazine's office in Paris. The magazine is known for cartoons that poke fun at Islam and other religions, as well as public figures. It's not surprising that, in its first issue since the attack, Charlie Hebdo again put Muhammad on the cover. But this time, instead of showing the Prophet in an unflattering light, the magazine struck a far different tone—and was received by some Muslims in a far different way.

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