One in five Canadians will experience mental illness at some point in their lives, according to the Canadian Institute of Health Research.
However, 27 per cent of Canadians are fearful of being around people who suffer from serious mental illness, according to the Canadian Medical Association.
Read more: Hashtagging for mental health awareness
Write comment (0 Comments)As she gazes toward a sweat-filled ceiling, contorting her limbs while holding a half backbend; breathing, one might think yoga is no place for a back to relax. Yet Sarah Garden, director at the Bodhi Tree yoga studio, proves differently through the Yoga for Backs class.
Of the 35 people who attend the class, Mike Roberts, prep supervisor at the Keg, said he has been able to rid himself of the large amounts of prescription he used to take.
Roberts said he used medication daily, and morphine was one of them. “The problem with that medication is that after a while it doesn’t work. I would up the dose,” he said. The side effects weren’t pleasant, either.
Read more: Yoga offers non-clinical approach to back pain
Write comment (0 Comments)The federal and provincial governments need to address a lack of financial and educational support for treating depression and preventing suicide within the LGBT community, according to Leah Keiser, executive director of UR Pride at the University of Regina.
Some studies estimate 25 to 30 per cent of all completed suicides are attributed to homophobia, and recent research suggests as high as 50 per cent of transgendered people attempt suicide.
Read more: Mental health support for LGBT people called inadequate
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