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The new 2017 Acura NSX in Regina Acura’s showroom. The NSX is currently the most expensive vehicle for sale in Regina, with a price tag of $278,000, with taxes and add-ons pushing the price over $300,000. Photo by Josh Diaz.

What has two turbochargers, three electric motors, fours wheels, six cylinders, 10 gears and sticks out like a sore thumb? Well you can take a look for yourself, it’s currently sitting in Regina Acura’s showroom.

On Oct. 19, a new 2017 Acura NSX was delivered to Acura on North Broad St. The 573 horsepower twin-turbo hybrid supercar is loaded with all the options--including carbon ceramic brakes, forged aluminum wheels, and stunning Valencia Red Pearl paint. This NSX is currently the most expensive vehicle for sale in Regina, with a price tag of $278,000, with taxes and add-ons pushing the price over $300,000.

Regina Acura, a company whose SUV sales make up roughly 66 per cent of the company's annual revenue, never intended to have a supercar grace its showroom. Acura brought the car in because a customer put down a deposit on it.
“He didn’t like the colour,” said Acura sales manager Devin Morrissette. “He had his heart set on red and white, and before we could change it the deal fell through.”
Currently this NSX is the only car of its kind in the province, which Acura believes is a major selling point. “People come in every day to ask about this car, and all it takes is one person to take it home,” said Morrissette. While bids for the car have been pouring in, Acura says that they have yet to find a buyer for their NSX.

Fortunately for Acura, supercars, with their sleek lines and aggressive stance make for great publicity.
On Nov. 17, Acura is holding a formal unveiling of the car. Acura customers are encouraged to come out for the evening to witness a presentation and display of the car's features. This event is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m.  
Getting the car so close to winter isn’t an issue for Morrissette. “Some may see it as a problem, but at the end of the day having an extra supercar on your lot is a pretty good problem to have.”  


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