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Minister of Social Services June Draude said, "There’s more work to do, we’ll be very pleased to do it.” Photo by Jeanelle Mandes

No budget increase for autism intervention

By Jeanelle Mandes


Photo by Jeanelle Mandes. Minister of Social Services June Draude said, "There’s more work to do, we’ll be very pleased to do it.”



The Government of Saskatchewan set aside $7.6 million for autism interventions in the 2014-15 provincial budget. But despite the rising rate of autism diagnosis, there was no increase in the budget for this issue.


“There’s always more we can be doing. In a budget, where there were some cuts, we (are) actually so pleased with what’s happening with autism and knowing there’s more to do,” said June Draude, minister of social services.


Tyler McMurchy, media relations officer for the Ministry of Health, said, “This funding provides a continuum of services and supports including ASD Consultants, ASD Support Workers, rehabilitation therapies, respite services, and training for service providers and parents.”


According to the Autism Society of Canada, approximately one in 200 children born today have an Autism Spectrum Disorder and the rates for this disorder are increasing. 


NDP health critic Danielle Chartier said it’s one piece of the budget she hasn’t looked closely at.


“I (was) super focused on the big pieces on the budget, like seniors' care and the cut to the health regions. Something we haven’t got to yet,” said Chartier.


Erin Morrison, director of communications for the Opposition Caucus Office, said, “When budgets are stagnant on important issues like dealing with autism, it’s a major concern for us.”


Michelle Archer's son 11-year-old son Connor has PDD-NOS a form of autism. She said the government has come a long way to addressing the issue of autism but there is one area they overlook.


“I know there are rural families who feel that they have little or no service and (they) are screaming for help in any way shape or form. So those families would be very disappointed to the lack of additional funding,” said Archer.


Minister Draude said this issue is something fond to the hearts of the provincial government and the premier.


“(Brad Wall) wants Saskatchewan to be the best place to live if you have a disability. So as we work forward, steady pace and seeing what the next steps are,” said Draude.


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