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Vandana Shiva inspires people all over the world with intellectual inquiry, anti-globalization and environmental activism. She will now inspire people at the University of Regina as a keynote speaker on Tuesday evening.  

Shiva speaks out on agricultural practices, food, biotechnology, intellectual property rights and women in the developing world.


Bringing Shiva to Saskatchewan is a multi-organizational effort from the Saskatchewan Council for International Co-operation, the Regina Public Interest Group and the Women’s Centre.


The collaboration helps to split the costs and planning to bring Shiva to the province and this event coincides with the SCIC turning 40.


“Everything we do, we try to have it be a community, multi-organization initiative,” said Jill Arnott, the executive director of the Women’s Centre and sessional lecturer of women and gender studies at the U of R. “This is just another way for us to really highlight that a community is important, the environment is important and see that we all have a role to play.”


SCIC helps educate the people of Saskatchewan on global issues like poverty, health, human rights and encourages people to act on their desire.


Arnott said that professors lecture on important, large global issues and students constantly question whether they are able to make a difference and how.



“I feel like Vandana Shiva is a really awesome opportunity for students to get clear that their drops in the bucket really are significant, that they really do matter. And I feel like we all need that little bit of a bump once in a while,” said Arnott.


“The goal is information absorption, motivation and passion,” said Arnott, “If we can find a way to do it without having there be a cost to the students then that’s absolutely going to be our first path.”


This event will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. in the education auditorium.                                                                                                   

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