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Talking about money and finances has always had a stigma. The latest course to be offered at the Lifelong Learning Centre at the University of Regina is hoping to get rid of that.

Money Matters: What Your Parents Didn’t Teach You is a new course designed to teach people tips, strategies and little known secrets to better manage their own finances. Students will learn how to get their finances on track, and to get rid of the scary thought of financial planning.

It follows the course Smart Women Really Do Finish Rich which was well received. The Lifelong Learning Centre staff found that there was a variety of people in the course with different financial needs. They then looked further into it and decided there should be a course tailored towards age as well as interest and competency level.

Money Matters: What Your Parents Didn’t Teach You has been more marketed towards young women. Course organizer Line LeRuyet has found this generation of women are now taking more control of their finances compared to older generations when finances were more seen as husbands’ duties. “I don’t know if they’re having more trouble with budgeting but what I have really noticed is a switch,” she said.

The course is for all young people, because everyone needs to know how to manage their finances and get control of them, according to instructor Cyril Keston.

“Once people get into the course, and start talking about money and why people don’t want to talk about money, the value of paying attention to financial life, people get very interested in it,” he said.

University students who talked to Ink Online said that they have an idea of their financial future but have not really thought about the smaller details. “I worked over the summer and I’m just trying to budget out what I spend and hopefully I’ll have enough by the end of my student career,” said second-year U of R student Daniel Hildebrandt.

“Well, my parents help me out with school, so that I don’t have to have student loans or anything, basically not going to be in the red when I get out of school and I have a job too,” said second-year U of R student Taylor Howe.

Money Matters: What Your Parents Didn’t Teach You starts on Tuesday, Sept. 16, and runs for four weeks. For more information visit

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