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J.P. Ellson, CEO of Creative Sask, said his trip to Los Angeles during Oscar week was partially focused on the fine arts. Photo by Kendall Latimer.

Creative Sask, Saskatchewan’s new arts funding agency, is drawing criticism following the CEO’s recent trip to Los Angeles during Oscar week.

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An average day in a city mall. Photo by Kendall Latimer.

People are engaging in dance flash mobs to stimulate global awareness. On Feb. 14, the international community will participate in One Billion Rising. The campaign promotes ending violence towards women and girls from all walks of life.

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Sam Workman working on his NaNoWriMo novel at the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild conference room.

Darcy Summers has around 11,000 words written of her 50 Shades of Grey parody. She’s 39,000 words away from the 50,000-word goal, but she still has half the month to go.

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There’s a new collective in town, the Killjoy Club, and they’ll be livening up the Creative City Centre on Wed, Nov. 19.

 The Killjoy Club is a group of artist-organizers who want to see more diverse voices up on stage. Group members say they seek to develop opportunities for creative feminist expression.

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