A Saskatchewan based outfitter, Saskatoon Waterfowl Outfitters Inc., has been fined $20,000 in a provincial court in Saskatoon.
Read more: Saskatoon outfitter fined $20,000
Write comment (0 Comments)Electric cars could drive Regina into a becoming a greener city. Sun Country Highway Ltd wants to donate EV chargers to Regina. The city won’t have to pay anything but the cost to hire an electrician to install them.
Read more: Riding into a greener Regina
Write comment (0 Comments)If you are affected by the Energy East Pipeline, the National Energy Board wants to hear from you.
The NEB opened their Application to Participate Process on Feb. 3. The process will close on March 3. According to the NEB it is an opportunity for any person who, in the board’s opinion, is directly affected by the pipeline or anyone who has expertise and information to be heard.
Read more: Participating in pipeline polemic
Write comment (2 Comments)Unions plowed the prairies, and built the cities where we trade. After a Supreme Court decision, their right to strike is saved.
On Jan. 30, a Saskatchewan law that restricted the working rights of public sector employees was struck down by the Supreme Court. The Public Service Essential Services Act, more commonly known as “Bill 5”, was ruled unconstitutional by a 5-2 majority.
Read more: Union and workers' rights upheld by Supreme Court
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Across Saskatchewan there are a number of farms for sale. Some have been on the market for years and others are snapped up right away.
Read more: The reality of selling a farm
Write comment (0 Comments)Aboriginal Achievement Week is underway at the University of Saskatchewan. It is organized by the Aboriginal Student Centre. Events are scheduled throughout the week and include musical performances, art exhibitions, and a round dance.
Read more: Aboriginal performers take centre stage at the University of Saskatchewan
Write comment (0 Comments)Saskatchewan’s film industry is rolling despite a final cut to the Saskatchewan Film Employment Tax Credit program in 2012. But not everyone plans to remain on set.
Read more: Saskatchewan film industry still rolling
Write comment (3 Comments)Saskatchewan’s charitable endeavours have a few more pennies in the pot. The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Association recently handed out approximately $1.5 million in charitable gaming grants to over 700 organizations and groups across Saskatchewan.
Read more: Community fundraisers get a boost
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