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Outdoor rinks like this one have hosted hockey games for years. Photo by Eric Westhaver.

Canada’s top junior hockey players may not have a union, but labour issues around their league are at the forefront.

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Activists and environmentalists are viewing this as the first of many victories against fossil fuels. Photo by Alec Salloum

After 2,300 days of deliberation, activists and investors alike have an answer: the proposed $12 billion Keystone XL Pipeline is not being built, for now.

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A shut down high way.

During a senate committee meeting on Aboriginal peoples Paul Martin was asked if he thought that if Aboriginal peoples “coalesced, could they not bring this country to a standstill?”  Martin answered, “We would hope not; and that we would hope not because government will react before that happens.” Shut Down Canada, a grassroots movement calling for action on Feb. 13 plans to challenge this.


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The high price of cattle means fewer people can afford to purchase beef in store.

After record-breaking highs over the last year, the price of beef has now stabilized. With the discovery of BSE, or mad cow disease, in 2003, many cattle farmers struggled to turn a profit. Following over a decade of tough times for these farmers, the price of beef rose to a historical high in the last year.

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