Sun News Network employees found out early on the morning of Feb. 13 that they no longer have jobs. The TV network closed its doors, leaving about 300 people out of work.
Read more: Sun News Network closes doors, citizen journalism opens windows
Write comment (0 Comments)Canadian commercials took an even bigger blow than the Seattle Seahawks after Super Bowl 49. It may have been the last time our country sees Canadian content during the big game.
Read more: Canadians to watch a very American Super Bowl 51
Write comment (0 Comments)The shootings at the Charlie Hebdo office on Jan. 7, much like 9/11, bombarded the front pages. Yet, the Boko Haram massacre in Nigeria, during the same time, failed to raise similar media attention.
Read more: Charlie Hebdo overshadows massacre in Nigeria
Write comment (0 Comments)If you consider yourself a gamer, chances are you know what GamerGate is. If not, welcome to the biggest video game world controversy.
Read more: GamerGate: the controversy that rocked the gaming world
Write comment (2 Comments)All hell broke loose in Ottawa on Wed. Oct. 22 when a shooter shot and killed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, a reservist who was standing guard at the National War Memorial.
Read more: Canadian journalists keep cool during Ottawa shooting
Write comment (0 Comments)It was big news in Canadian journalism this week as Postmedia Network Canada Corp announced it was buying 175 English newspapers from Quebecor Inc.
Read more: Postmedia goes all in
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