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The File Hills Tribal Council's Live Stream set up includes two cameras, multiple microphones, a soundboard, laptop and iPad. Lynn Cote is teaching Saulteaux this week at The Gathering Place in Regina. Photo by Heidi Atter.

The Gathering Place in Regina is offering Indigenous language classes in a new way, through a weekly live streaming class on the File Hills Tribal Council’s Facebook page.


“I don’t want my grandchildren to not hear that language being spoken,” says Cory Generoux.

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Salmaan Moolla poses in the ENACTUS Club office at the University of Regina Business School. Photo by Heidi Atter.

A University of Regina student is hoping a financial literacy initiative he started will be introduced into Saskatchewan high schools within the next five years.

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Isaac Murdoch silk screen painting.

“We’re in a climate crisis,” says Isaac Murdoch. “The scientific community is actually saying we’re headed to an extinction if we don’t stop. Something that our elders have been saying for years.”

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The Regina Farmers’ Market Cooperative is planning a specialty event for Dec.7; a Holiday night market on Dec. 7. This is intended to grow their presence in the fall and winter as a shopping destination by trying new events and bringing back some others.

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Seven Players of the Condors from when it started in the late 1960s.

Erling Andersen stood with a microphone in front of over a dozen tables and about a hundred people. This was not his first Condor Rugby Club banquet; although, this was one of the largest. The Condors Rugby Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

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New to the Canadian Western Agribition this year, Grotto Garden’s Goat Yoga is gathering crowds of children and adults alike to watch and participate. Grotto Gardens was invited by Agribition as a part of the entertainment portion.


“It’s nice to have something that has involvement of animals,” said Bruce Holmquist, president of the Canadian Western Agribition. “I think it’s appealing and entertaining and gets consumers in touch with agriculture and animals.”


The goat yoga area is set up in a small gated space in the Canada Centre Show Sale Arena with 19 mats in a circle and one in the center for the instructor. Each session is about 30 minutes during which the goats roam around, lick people, sniff people and even cuddle up to participants.

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