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The ministry of social services supports citizens at risk, providing child, family and disability supports. The ministry also supports community-based organizations.


Due to the nature of its work, many of the payments listed involve legal and counselling work connected to serving clients. For example, the Merchant Law Group billed $920,500 in 2012-2013.


Management, communications and IT consultants are less common, although there have been some.


Among the years examined, consultants played a larger role in the past than they do today, with some $860,000 spent in 2005-2006, in addition to an over $3 million IBM contract. IBM's services are included because SaskTenders describes IBM service contracts as consutling. (This amount does not represent physical assets, listed in a separate section of public accounts.)


In contrast, just over $300,000 was spent in 2013-2014 that could be identified as consulting. In more recent years, the ministry has turned mainly to the California-based National Council on Crime and Delinquency for strategic analysis and management models, as well as McNair Business Development. Additionally, Price Waterhouse Cooper, which holds a Lean implementation contract for the provinces, has been working with Social Services.


Consultants for the two-year period of 2012 to 2014 included:








 Social Services downloadable data spreadsheet (Excel file)